Vincent Michel

Vincent grew up far from cities and the world, and it was in the profound silence of the Ubaye mountains that his ear sharpened and his imagination flourished. At the age of twelve, he heard a Bach chorale, and it was a shock: So this is music?! He couldn’t understand how he had lived without it until then, let alone how to continue living without it.

After starting to learn the organ, he decided to serve music in a way that suited him better: he would be a luthier or instrument maker.

Thus, from 1978 to 2002, he mainly deals with musical instruments. First, harpsichords, both antique and modern, then harps, cymbalums, and other stringed instruments that were uncommon in our small Western world.

Vincent Michel

He worked for numerous professional musicians (or future professionals), composers, orchestras, music schools, on stages, in studios, in orchestra pits, or on boats, all over France and abroad, sometimes on the other side of the world. He also collaborated with some renowned instrument makers.

He also publishes two novels that have nothing to do with lutherie or music, it’s space opera.

In 2002, he put an end to this rather eventful career and retired to his mountains for another life. Up there, he continued to write. He also composed a lot of music, sometimes in response to commissions, most of the time for… later. He became a member of SACEM in 2008.

In 2010, he won a third prize at the composition competition for the organ at Saint-Bertrand de Comminges. Less than six years later, he received an award in multichannel electroacoustics at the MiXage Fou.

His collaboration with Céline began in 2017 with the creation of Pourquoi at the Harpe en Avesnois festival.

Vincent composes the music, sculpts the sounds of XKTdra, and programs the digital audio workstation connected to the MIDI harp.

And this website is his work too.

Web Site